Re: Outcomes of the Hines Hill crash.

Krel (
15 Jun 97 13:04:03 GMT

David Bromage <> wrote in article
> Peter Homann ( wrote:
> >John Wayman wrote:
> >> Can't we just buy a good off the shelf system that works and install
it to
> >> run effectively and efficiently for the next hundred years like we
used to?
> >
> >No: that would be too logical. Besides, it would mean all railway
> >systems in Aus would be, dare I say it, Equal!
> Surely something like the British "radio token block" system which has
> been around for 10 years would be suited to Australia.
> Cheers
> David
The only problem I see with RETB (Radio Electronic Tokenless Block) is
having to send back the authority for the section that you have just left
before you can receive the authority for the next section. This means that
all this has to happen after the rear of the train has arrived in clear and
before the front of the train has passed the fouling point at the departure
end of the loop. The former BR required all trains to come to a stand at a
stop board for this reason. Overall though your idea is valid - there must
be an off the shelf safeworking system available that suits the needs of
all Australian Mainline railways. But can you imagine PTC SafeWorking Dept
or any other allowing someone to make "their' decisions?

Cheers Krel

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