(no subject)

Roderick Smith (rodsmith@werple.mira.net.au)
22 Jun 1997 12:20:02 GMT

Great train journeys.
As posted before, this series is continuing on channel 2 in Melbourne
(Victoria, Australia).
* South Africa: I didn't see it, but others stated that trains did not
feature much.
* St Petersburg - Tashkent: Not much railway.
* Northern Ireland and Eire: More railway than I posted before, with two
state systems, DART and three private lines.
* Santos - Santa Cruz: Quite good. Lots of railway scenes, and a
reasonably intelligent presentation.
* Pakistan: Quite good. Lots of railway scenes.
* Yet to come (Thurs.26.6): Zambesi.

Roderick Smith
(Rail News Victoria editor)