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Re: The XPT

David Johnson <trainman@ozemail.com.au> writes:

>Oliver Keating wrote:

>> One question still remains, the XPT is based partly at least on the British
>> IC 125. However, the British train has a top speed of 200km/h the XPT
>> 160km/h. Seeing as the XPT came after the IC 125 it would seem that it was
>> downgraded. If this is the case, why was it downgraded?

>The XPT needs to run in much higher temperatures, and on much steeper grades than the IC

 Which not only resulted in lower gearing and down-rating the Valenta 
power plant, but also resulted in quite a redesign of the cooling system
and the air-conditioning system, so even the coaches are not IC125 either.
 I belive they thought the orginal air-conditioning intakes would suck up
too much dust and grass seed, so they were moved, resulting in minor changes
to the body shape and equipment layout.
 The environment is quite different to back in IC125 territory, were freezing
is more of a risk than boiling.

Matthew Geier,                 | Australian Public Access Network Association
matthew@sleeper.apana.org.au   | +61 2 9587 9773  
matthew@law.usyd.edu.au        |   018 977 356