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Re: Trains to Newcastle.

Hi Peter and all,
I was dissapointed to see that they did'nt resume the original right of way
at Fassifern when electrification came through - would have cut some more
time off, even though it would have cut the line through Booragul.

(Remove the letter K before replying, 
otherwise your reply will bounce!)

Peter Neve <nswsrca@ozemail.com.au> wrote in article :
: G'day.
: Gee, we got off course on this one didn't we!
: Getting back to the subject, I would say that apart from very heavy
: track occupancy and heavy passenger traffic requiring extended stops
: at various major stations, the problem is one of track alignment,
: which hasn't changed in 75 years plus, except for bridge realignments.
: Grades were eased by deviations which meant that whilst heavier loads
: could be hauled, often running times were extended.
: <snip>