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Re: Fight the Unions! (YES and while your at it shoot yourself in the foot, at least you should feel the pain)

On 7 Dec 1997 22:41:47 GMT, jaskew@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au (Joseph
Askew) wrote:

>:      National Rail Train Drivers get $75000 a year, and they will die
>: young. most of you guys will never know how hard they work for it. I am 
>Spare me. The fact that they get so much is outrageous. If any
>of them die young I've yet to hear of it but given they accept
>the work they shouldn't complain.
Well Joseph,

I have just read Rod's posting and then your follow up posting.

As I read your follow up article, my blood pressure began to rise. 
Then I got to the above quote.
It's pricks like you that make my blood boil.

As you sit back in your nine to five job, doing some meanial task
while I work rotating shifts (all in one week), think of the

I studied for five years and underwent much training to achieve my
current titlle.
"Locomotive driver".
Of the 14 men who started with me some eighteen years ago only three
passed for driving and I am the only one still employed in the rail
I undergo regular training courses to keep me abreast of changing
rules and regulations that I must follow.

If I make a mistake at work it can mean peoples lives are at risk.
What about yourself?

Not knowing how the gas Gas Lift on your chair works correctly, means
you end up bruising your knee.

I am responsible for millions of dollars of equipment, if I make a
mistake it can be a very expensive one.
What about yourself?

You are probably responsble for a "bic 0.7mm" pencil.

Before you start commenting on an industry that you know FUCK ALL

Do some research.

Locomotive Driver
National Rail Corporation.
and proud of it!!!!!!!!!!