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Re: Servers

bhkraft@gj.net (Brian Kraft) wrote:

>I am currently with two ISP's - waiting for FirstLink to run out, and using
>syd.net for everything. I noticed that not much was coming through on the
>aus.rail newsgroup with sydnet, and I thought that nobody was posting

>I then couldn't get on to sydnet, as the lines were tied up, so I connected
>via FirstLink to access IRC. While I was there, I checked news - same
>newsgroup, different server. All of the syd.net messages are on FirstLinks,
>but there are a swag of others that are only on FirstLink - some dating
>from 4-5 days ago.

>Is this normal? If so, does it apply to all ISP's? If it does, which ISP
>provides the best News service? If it is not supposed to be like this, what
>can be done about it?

>Can anybody who knows the answer to the above little mysteries please email

>Thnx in advance

>David Proctor

>Derek Woodlands wrote on Sat, 06 Dec 1997 09:45:22 GMT:

>>I (think) I get all the messages at Magna.  When I was with Zip, MOST
>>of the messages turn up.  Ozemail also have a good service.  You can
>>also use a public news server from whatever ISP you are on.

>Try these two open news servers:

>news://web.wesley.com.au/aus.rail (533 messages) posting ok
>news://janus.cqu.edu.au/aus.rail (515 messages) read-only

And, whatever you do, don't use the Pegasus news-server (peg.apc.org):
the last aus.rail posting (ignoring something about pheremones) was 5
months ago!

Geoff Lambert