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Re: An OPEN Letter to JOHN COYLE., and reply to ANDY!

John Coyle <nospam@newsranger.com> wrote in article

> Calm down, and consider what you have said! Firstly, you don't know me,
> secondly, I have never abused you, or any other aus.rail user, so why are
you so
> upset with me? Was it my use of capital letters in a couple of my posts?
If so,
> sorry, as I was only told today by my 17 year old son, that I shouldn't
do that.
> Also, as you can see, I have responded below your message, which, again,
> something that, as a new "poster" at aus.rail, I didn't know about. Is
that all?
> Or, is it that I am a Christian? Did you find any problems with my posts
> converting the VR "J" class to standard gauge, or my question about the
> "R" clas tram? Do you blow the daylights out of anybody who has used
> letters in his/her post at aus.rail? Aus.rail should be a place to expess
> opinion or ask questions that fellow rail fans can answer, without being
> Andy. Have  a nice day, Andy.


Just a bit of friendly but frank advice:

(1) I would think that a lot of people find your obsession over the
Herald-Sun's failure to list the arrival and departure times of "The Ghan"
at Spencer Street rather amusing, along with your hounding of certain
members of the PTUA on this newsgroup.

(2a) YOUR arbitrary and FREQUENT use of CAPITALS when they are really NOT
NEEDED is also AMUSING, and these TWO points have led MANY people to take
the MICKEY out of you!

(2b) People may also be amused because you failed to realise that your
abundant use of the upper case was making many readers of this newsgroup
urinate in their trousers due to laughter, and that you thought it might be
due to your spiritual faith or your question about R1808 or sundry other

(3) That being said, I can't see any justification for Andy B's outburst -
but I guess he had his reasons.....

<dons flameproof suit>
