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Re: Idiots Damaging Government Property. { Trains}

vorgestern@hotmail.com (Karina Vor-daniken) writes:

>These vandals are usually to young to prosecute.  In Sweden, they are
>put on a state register that totals unpaid costs accumulated by the
>said. At the age of employment, that debt is paid back at 5 % of total
>wages each week. If the offender is over 18, than all state benefits
>such as welfare or educational payments are forfeited. Their name is
>entered into public record, the said being available to potential
>employers for 10 years.

Ah. So they can't get welfare and they can't get a job, either. 

The end result of this is that they go out and commit more crime - and 
probably a good deal worse than just defacing a few trains.

Thanks, but I'd prefer they stick to traditional method: stick them in
a juvenile training centre.

Paul Dwerryhouse (paul@dwerryhouse.com.au)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.    <---- current location
Melbourne, Australia.