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Re: [NSW] Bondi Beach Line Scrapped

"Michael" <usenet.spam@gunzel.net> wrote in message
> David Bennetts <davibenn@ozemail.com.au> wrote in article
> <BHkO6.2080$Ld4.94085@ozemail.com.au>:
> >Rebuild the
> >volleyball stadium on top and you'd really have the NIMBYs squealing!
> There should be a law against NIMBYism.
> The BNIMBYs (Broadmeadows NIMBYs) are now whinging about noise from
> Melbourne Airport and it's associated flight paths. Why? They built their
> houses under the flight path, like duh.

Tullamarine was really out in the sticks when it was built, wasn't too long
before the houses reached out nearby and the whinges started, I haven't got
any sympathy either.  Let them buy some earplugs or put noise insulation in
their homes - at their expense, not like at Sydney where passengers are
slugged $3.40 noise tax. I've got more justification to whinge about some
bloody dogs nearby that bark at 4 am, and roosters that crow well before


David Bennetts