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Re: [Vic] I've got nothing to say,I just want to make this thread longer

In article <9097E3FEFgunzelT333@>, Michael wrote:
> Wonder how much bandwidth this thread has wasted. Not much I'd say.

Enough that if everyone Newsgroup on Usenet had a thread like this and
everyone posted just crap to it then it would be gigabytes of data that
would cost ISPs $1000s in a day.

Spam is probably more of a problem.  But then all the people who don't
quote properly and all those who post crap would waste 100s of megabytes
of bandwidth on the net.

As I said a news feed uses up 12gig of data a day.  If that could be
reduced to 11gig that would be a good thing.  It's not just the cost it
would save ISPs... it's the fact that band width is pretty limited and
should be treated like gold (eg download things from local mirrors where
possible, download things onto your LAN only once etc).

Jeremy Lunn
ICQ: 19255837