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Re: [NSW] Replying without quoting

"Jeremy Lunn" <spammers-will-die@austux.net> wrote in message
> Are you people idiots????

Car dew steeple luddites

(Sorry, could not find a word rhyming with "idiot".)

> Bandwidth isn't completely unlimited.

So why did you post this?

>  And a news feed takes about 20 gigs of bandwidth a day.

So a few extra KB's won't make that much difference then.

> People who run pointless threads like this and
> don't trim excess headers when they post will be part of the cause of
> the death of Usenet.
> Usenet isn't cheap for ISPs to provide and I bet you that less people
> use it than they can really justify for.

Actually, I don't care, because I pay $US7.95 a month for 1GB of usenet
(about $A16 at the moment) and I will use it whichever way I want. I don't
have to allow for ISP's news servers, since my ISP has a crappy one anyway
(although I wonder if I will still *HAVE* to use GigaNews once the Telstra
ADSL techie finishes his work next Friday).
