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RE: Question about Victorian government & PT in Melbourne

Oh dear. I feel some Rod Speedism coming on.

>===== Original Message From "Joeb Black" <joeblacks_s@hotmail.com> =====
>I dont know a lot in detail about all this, but i do know some. The
>contracts made, like any contract, cannot be brocken by either
>party...meaning that the State Government cannot ammend without the
>permission of the party(ies) concerned.


 The contacts are policed by the
>transport ombudsman, who reports to government any complaints and
>investigations into matters and complaints.


 So that if it is found that the
>operator has breached they will be penalised, mainly in the form of monetary
>or in the extreme (major breaches) in forms of court action.


 If the
>Government suddenly decides that it wants to return the control and
>management to the state, then it may only be under major breaches, or in
>best interest of public, where is is proven.


 It cannot just snatch it off
>the opperators for no big reason, they have rights too you know.

That bit is right. Rooting over the private operators, if they won't 
co-operate, would involve a lot of work.

Vaughan Williams
Public Transport Users Association
247 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000