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Re: smayme,shayme,shayme

railfan wrote:
> Shayime yoo couldnt all be nice to andrew.  if hee kils himesllf you
> are all too blayme. get of ya bum erk istead of wathing big btuther
> all  day.  i bort myself a nyoo camewrs and will soone have cova shot
> of digest

 Eye halve a spelling chequer
 It came with my pea sea
 It plainly marques four my revue
 Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
 Eye strike a key and type a word
 And weight four it two say
 Weather eye am wrong oar write
 It shows me strait a weigh.
 As soon as a mist ache is maid
 It nose bee fore two long
 And eye can put the error rite
 Its rare lea ever wrong.
 Eye have run this poem threw it
 I am shore your pleased two no
 Its letter perfect awl the weigh
 My chequer tolled me sew.
