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Re: Freight Australia not happy

Are you saying that you were better off under the
hidden taxes of the ALP.?  Never mind the quarterly
automatically indexed grog, smokes and petrol tax
laughingly called "excise" introduced by Hawke/Keating
.......remember them.? 

I have a problem with hidden taxes under previous
governments of all persuasions, FOR EXAMPLE, female
"sanitary" products WERE tax free, now they have 10%
tax just like my daily shaving gear which used to have
unbelievable taxes while fanny rags had nothing.!

We could argue this forever, BUT even if the big Opp
leader from WA who had to move from his marginal seat
to a safer one, happens to win national gov later this
year, YOU & I will be no better off.!

As for Railways, neither the Libs or Labor and the
other scraps hanging around have any sort of policy.


>"Chris Downs" <cvdowns@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

> It's dependent upon circumstances.  With a $400/fortnight mortgage that does
> not attract GST (fees are negligible) I'm considerably better off than I was
> before 1/7/00 courtesy of the tax cuts, removal of wholesale sales tax and the
> introduction of the GST.
> If that $400 was spent on goods and/or services instead of a mortgage I'd be
> worse off.  Of course if I could invest it I'd be better off again.
> Still won't win Honest John this vote.
> Chris