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Re: Feds have not spent money extracted from motorists.

I thought it was a little more subtle than that.  The Federal Transport
Ministers' obligation was to notify Parliament as to what portion of the
excise was applied/not applied to the national highway network (not just
roads).  Failing notification the full excise amount was then meant to be
spent on the national highway network.

The primary failure was not not spending the money on national highways but
failing to notify Parliament.

Of course that will be deemed irrelevant by motoring organisations, Labor
(ironic they should also be complicit) and the media who all smell blood, they
will demand that the second failure be rectified and the money be spent on
highways.  They'll ignore rectifying the 1st failure as allocating the excise
elsewhere (the Govts prerogative)  and correctly notifying Parliament (the
Govts 1st obligation) doesn't suit their agenda.


Tell <telljb@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> It had to happen, ...after all, this an election year.
> Any guesses that a "labor" section of the Federal
> Public Service helped to drop this one on the agenda.
> We now find, thanks to a slack-arse Federal Auditor
> General Department, that BILLIONS of dollars extracted
> from motorists under an ACT OF PARLIAMENT has not been
> allocated to roads.
> The extra TAXES on fuel at the pump were supposed to go
> to improving the roads, YES, I am aware that the
> TRUCKIES will benefit.
> Keep in mind, these extra taxes were for roads NOT for
> railways.!
> Heh heh, this latest "bombshell" as described by our
> dipshit media just happen to come up before the WA
> State election tomorrow.
> ....Tell