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Re: Australian visitor to San Diego downtown transit office

Paul Nicholson wrote:
> I was in San Diego a few weeks ago and went to the downtown transit office
> to ask for a map of the system.
> The clerk, in the "robot" style one often finds in the United States, told
> me that maps were only available to local residents.
> Is this practice common in the United States?

I can't answer for San Diego, as I have yet to go there, but everywhere
else I have been in the US (and everywhere else in the world I have
been), I have had no problem getting transit maps from ticket booths,
tourist agencies etc. Even when I have had to use sign language to ask
for them for want of a common spoken language.

Many cities just have a map you can take off a rack at the transit
depot, you don't even have to ask. They want people to ride their
transit lines, not just limit riders to those with local knowledge, who
probably have cars anyway.

David McLoughlin
Auckland New Zealand