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[NSW] 75th Anniversary of Electric Trains in NSW pictures

To all

A month ago or so there was the major event of the 75th Anniversary of 
Electric trains. Two red rattlers ran to Oatley to celebrate 75yrs of 
TRains then ran to other places on the network.

I was in attendance and was on board both F and W-SET.
(Abit late to tell that now!)

If anyone  is interested, my pictures from the day can be found indexed at:


I've just tested the page. If you come up to the 'Page Unavaliable' page, 
refresh a few times. Trust me...it'll work.

Captions for the images are found on the file: image_caption.txt
Anyone else here who was in attendance of the event (3/3/01)?
If so which train were you on? (W or F-SET)

Maikha "V" Ly

"Behind every troll on newsgroups, is a human being, in a house, on a 
computer" (Maikha Ly)