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Re: Connex train splitting

In aus.rail, on 04 Apr 2001, Roderick Smith announced:

>There is also the problem of booting the customers out while it is
>done.  I contacted the company, and was told that there is an
>Australian standard requiring this: something which I doubt.

I don't know about a standard, but I've always thought they should just 
leave people on board while they join them, it would make it easier, 
especially since many people already know what the train will be.

Up until the other night that is - I saw two trains being joined at FSS 
and one train hit the other so hard anyone on board would have been thrown 
and I was surprised nothing broke... 

Speaking of joining trains and things, I saw a six carriage train the 
other week made up of half refurb connex carriages and half old carriages, 
I can't remember now, but I'm sure that the old carriages were the old, um 
comeng ( - the ones where the windows open - my brain eludes me at this 
point...?) carriages... does this happen (often)?

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