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[Melb] Radio on Rails this Sunday

Melbourne's most exciting amateur radio and scanning event is taking place
this Sunday, and there's still time to be in it.  Called Radio on Rails, it
encourages radio amateurs and scanner listeners to operate their gear
from the trains and trams of Melbourne.

 Radio on Rails is this Sunday April 8.  It goes for four hours, from 9am to
1pm.  Participants on board (or waiting for) trains or trams can work
while home and car mobile stations work train or tram mobile operators only.
You can submit a record of contacts made (or heard), whether you are
 mobile or not.  Participants are asked to show consideration to other
by using earphones and being careful with antennas.

 Activity will be on two metres and seventy centimetres FM only. Contacts
via repeaters also count for scoring purposes.  Repeat contacts after one
hour on each band also count.  Another incentive to go train/tram mobile is
that you get an extra point if you meet another contest participant on a
train or tram (eyeball contact).

Radio on Rails is also a social event, with much talk about radios and
Participants normally lunch in the city after the event - go to the steps
 of Flinders St Station from about 1pm, look for the people with radios and
antennas, and follow the crowd.

So whether you're at home or on the move, tune across major amateur radio
 frequencies and tune in to Radio on Rails this Sunday!  As a starting
point, try 146.500, 146.550, 146.700, 147.000, 147.075, 147.175, 147.250,
438.100, 438.225, 438.525, 438.750, 439.000, 439.375, 439.450 MHz.

More details at URL: http://www.alphalink.com.au/~parkerp/radrail.htm

Peter Parker                    parkerp @ alphalink . com . au
Amateur Radio  VK3YE

Meltrip Melbourne Transport: http://www.meltrip.cjb.net    VK3YE Online: