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Re: [Olympic] Staff tags

"Dave Proctor" <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> Interesting to see at Penruff yesterday one of the usual Revenue
> Officers wearing a couple of badges saying the languages that she spoke.
> She was not undertaking revenue protection duties, but was there as a
> customer service droid (probably a wise move, given the large crowds - you
> don't want the yanks to go home with bad impressions because they got
> confused about buying CityRail tickets on the days they did not have event
> tickets).
> The badges said she spoke Francais, Espanol and Deutsche - the French and
> Spanish tags looked professionally made up, but the German tag was badly
> done, being a hand written sticker on a piece of plastic.
Metro Light Rail and Metro Monothingy did an audit of staff to find who
spoke foreign languages. The range was Arabic to Urdu. Said staff have been
issued with a neat little enamelled badge of the flag representing the
language spoken.

Had a joke with a Pole about pinning  the badge on right way up as she
doesn't know a single word of Indonesian!
