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Re: [SA/VIC/NSW] Validating Tickets

Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> wrote in article

>> Can I quote all the people that said only Melbourne has problems with
>> validation and fair evasion, and all the other cities like Adelaide
>> and Sydney are perfect?
>Nobody said that. What was said was that those who have tickets in those
>cities validate them when required to do so, only in Melbourne do they
>refuse to do so. All cities have their share of fare evaders, Melbourne
>just has more stubborn bloody-mindedness. :-)

Face it. Melbourne has spent too much money on Metcard. Now the cost is set 
to *double* from the original price. I as a taxpayer don't want to foot 
the bill, and I'm sure most others don't. It will be cheaper to reinstate 
staff on all stations and trams and to scrap the machines completely.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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