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Re: [NSW] Central Platform 26/27

Terminating the VHST or whatever it's called now on 23 won't save you
millions...what about those checkin facilities bla bla bla and fancy
stuff that you might find at an airport??? Plonk that on platform 23?

In article <8t2d1q$1v30$1@pc1762.alcatel.com.au>,
  thebaron@nospam.ozemail.com.au wrote:
> Excellent! :)) Problem solved and a saving of how many million??
> David Johnson <trainman@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> > thebaron@nospam.ozemail.com.au wrote:
> >> Makes a lot of sense but a lot of peoples trains don't go through
> >> so they would have to get on at central. how long would it need to
> >> there on the way through? Would this interfere with other traffic
> >> on the line??
> > If they put it on Platform 23, it could sit there for as long as
they like, as
> > very few trains use 23.
> > --
> > David Johnson
> > trainman@ozemail.com.au
> > http://www.ozemail.com.au/~trainman/
> > ------------------------------------
> > These comments are made in a private
> > capacity and do not represent the
> > official view of State Rail.
> > C.O.W.S. Page 11.

|Hubert              hubert@imap4.com      |
|Public Transport Ticketing @              |
|http://members.optusnet.com.au/~kiwifruit |

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