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Re: Grinder causes another fire on NE line

In article <8vtgl6$67t$1@news.eisa.net.au>,
Rod Gayford <rjaygee@eisa.net.au> wrote:
>I have seen pictures of the SPENO rail grinder train used in dry areas of
>the USA and that unit has attached a full fire fighting service. In fact
>they seemed to be spraying nearby areas with water continuously. Why not the
>same here, or do we get the cut price service and depend on the goodwill of
>the CFA?

 The grinder i've seen used near my place in Sydney (A speno...) had water
cannon front and rear. They were using it to, spraying the area down, probably
to reduce dust.

 Probably find if they can run the grinder with out any water in the fire
tanks, it uses less fuel and is cheaper to run....