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Re: Gunzel

ajmbrook@ozemail.com.au (James Brook) wrote in 

>Michael Kurkowski wrote:
>> >eg: Micheal's GunzelCam :-)
>> Yes, which is soon to move to http://www.gunzel.net (Which at the moment
>> has the default Apache webserver "It Worked!" page) (:
>Are you trying to compete with Railpage? :-) BTW, I'm not moving! <lol>

LOL god no! (God pun not intended, incase anyone was going to take offence 
to that) It was originally going to be for a personal website, but it's now 
going to have my "GunzelCam" website. Got it set up at the moment so that 
any email address under gunzel.net is directed to me (and 
usenet.spam@gunzel.net goes straight to spam heaven, better known as 
trash). Just waiting for the person to set up my virtual web host (:

     Email: michael {DOT} kurkowski {AT} gunzel {DOT} net
          (Any mail sent to usenet.spam@gunzel.net
       will be filed into the circular filing cabinet)
    Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk ICQ: 1459118 / T333.
              Yahoo: VR_T333  Mobile: 0416-044-124

   "VKC to all units, Warning to all units, there is a gunzel
         on the loose, approach with EXTREME caution!"