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V set transfer (repost)

(Repost, account errors in yesterdays version)

My account of yesterdays V set transfer...

With such an early start to the day, one couldn't help but get a lowly 
feeling that all efforts of getting out of bed on a freezing morning would 
all go to waste. Usually, the first train to Ballarat is a Sprinter 
service, but not today. It was a loco hauled (bonus) FN set (bonus). This 
meant that there wasn't going to to be any gunzels hanging off the roof, 
couplings and bogies with some left behind because you can't fit too many 
in a Sprinter. As it became apparent later on in this morning, the turnout 
wasn't as high as I expected. Many more people spent the trip motorcading - 
How many of these paid for a ticket?

Before I boarded however, I obtained an authority to kick anyone sitting in 
car A seat 21, on the up Swan Hill train, for a princely sum of $29.20 
(Available from any V/Line booking office). Boarded the BZN car because of 
the slightly higher level of comfort, compared with a BN or BRN car. Was 
the ACN car used? This particular run wasn't advertised as having first 
class accomodation, so I assume not.

The arrival at Ballarat was a cold one. Very cold. To have T413 in the 
consist made the trip worth it however. We moved on over the bridge, to be 
confronted with *red* *wooden* cars. At last! Wooden cars on a Victorian 
fan trip! We boarded the closest BV car and decided to take a walk down to 
the BL (end platform car). There was a free compartment, and I thought, 
lets pick this one. That until, we saw the puddle of water in the middle, 
and all over the seats. It's Bloody Leaking - I guess THAT's what BL stands 
for. Never mind, back to the BV (bovine?) we went.

While moving along at a steady 60kph, I decided to confirm the statements 
made in this newsgroup as to how much a E or W car really does flex. A lot 
- It looked quite interesting actually. At least all the wheels stayed on 
the track at once! Arrival at Clunes was accompanied with some other 
vehicles of the steam variety - not railed ones however. We stopped to let 
the locals and motorcaders (??) photograph this, but there wasn't enough 
time to let the passengers out to photograph it. On we went to 

The time at Maryborough was spent mostly taking experimental photos of any 
bits of motive power that were laying around, finding change for a $50 
note, talking to a member or two from this newsgroup and ultimately 
standing on a conflat photographing Y112 bringing it's V set back in. A 
gunzel in white (albeit, innocently) got in the way, ah well can't have 
everything your own way. A bit of the time was also spent talking to a 
customer on the phone, who heard Y112 go past and thought I was at Puffing 
Billy. A friend phoned moments later, and with a steam engine in the 
background I guessed Puffing Billy - I was wrong. It was Queenscliff.

Finally, after much mucking around we left Maryborough late. Schedule wise, 
things went downhill, fast. Arriving at Castlemaine/Maryborough junction, 
we got the news that the controller wanted to path a pass in front of us 
"just in case". As a result, we witnessed the up train, that many of the 
railfans were going to catch fly past, having already left Castlemaine. 
Many were disappointed. We finally ended up in Castlemaine, and were told 
there was not hope of getting pathed in front of the pass, despite the fact 
we wouldn't delay it much. Controller on duty kept us there anyway. It was 
getting dark. Many wanted to get home. Personally, I was getting cold - But 
we'll blame a fast approaching Winter for that one.

5:40 came, no sign of the Sprinter that was supposed to overtake us. 6:00 
came, still no sign. Oh damn, it was stuck at the points behind us. Track 
circuit failure. Sprinter held for large amount of time. Many annoyed 
passengers. Many annoyed gunzels. Many annoyed organisers. One stressed 
controller. The irony is, if we were let through, this wouldn't have 
happened. I wasn't complaining however. I took my time up at the end of the 
platform photographing the passes going past, taking time exposures, and 
flash photos of various things. Mainly T413 and Y112 (Sorry, I can't bear 
to put a measly steam in front of a flat-top!). Does a tripod mean that 
someone has instant authority to walk in front of your camera while taking 
a time exposure??? (Not caring about NX customers as such, but real 

Walked onto platform two for a bit, to see T413 and Y112 up close. The 
announcement then came. Our up was due. So here was the end of the day. As 
the N+FN set pulled into the platform, I boarded car A, and wandered off to 
seat 21, only to find an individial sitting there. It looked like a really 
comfortable seat, nice window, and for all the effort I went to obtaining 
an authority to eject anyone sitting there, I stated nicely "Excuse me, I 
was booked into this seat". Apologetic individual got up, and found himself 
another nice window seat. Much of the return trip was not remembered, 
account sleep. A notable part of the trip on the Broady line was someone 
smoking at the other end of the carriage, causing toxic cigarette fumes to 
be fed through the airconditioning system

In general, todays trip was excellent, and the hospitality provided by the 
onboard staff was exceptional (they know who they are :-)). The way things 
turned out in the end turned out to be a bit of a disaster for many, but 
didn't really bother me. I personally blame the PSR[1] system (thanks 
Jeff). I enjoyed the trip. However, out of interest, why were no photostops 
planned? Timetabling constraints? But, most of all, and this made everyone 
happy, there was no headboard! 

There, if you NSW people came this far looking for stainless steel V sets, 
bad luck, there is none in this post. This is a Victorian post. Next month, 
we invade NSW with our V set![2] (-:



[1] Passenger Service Requirements. Fining public transport operators for 
late or early running under *any* circumstance, including failures in 
infrastructure or late running & failures of trains from other companies.
[2] ARHS trip to Wakool in about mid June.

Michael Kurkowski. / Email: mailto:mk@netstra.com.au
Rail Enthusiast.  / Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
Train Chaser.    / Telephone: 0416-044-124
HO Modeller.    / ICQ: T333 or 1459118 - Yahoo Pager: VR_T333