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Re: [NSW] Airport Link

"Michael Kurkowski" <mk@netstra.com.au> wrote in message
> Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> said:
> >Possible, but was never going to happen. The official opening has been
> >scheduled for 21 May (Scully announced it around Christmas).
> There's a difference between "opening" and "official opening". Doesn't
> rocket science to dictate that the line will open before it's officially
> opened. Perhaps the statement that the Airport line would "open" on the
> 17th was correct, and failed to state that the "official opening" was the
> 21st or whenever it was.

The "official opening" (all the VIP's, etc) is on the 21st. The "opening"
(first train to carry passengers) is on the 21st or 22nd, depending on which
report you read). Neither of which is the 17th, neither of which has ever
been the 17th, neither of which ever will be the 17th.
