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Re: [NSW] Airport Link

Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> said:

>Possible, but was never going to happen. The official opening has been
>scheduled for 21 May (Scully announced it around Christmas).

There's a difference between "opening" and "official opening". Doesn't take 
rocket science to dictate that the line will open before it's officially 
opened. Perhaps the statement that the Airport line would "open" on the 
17th was correct, and failed to state that the "official opening" was the 
21st or whenever it was.


Michael Kurkowski. / Email: mailto:mk@netstra.com.au
Rail Enthusiast.  / Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
Train Chaser.    / Telephone: 0416-044-124
HO Modeller.    / ICQ: T333 or 1459118 - Yahoo Pager: VR_T333

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