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Re: Motorcaders (was: 3801/30 to ararat)

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:05:17 GMT, Greg Triplett <triplett@hotkey.net.au>
wrote, and I selectively quote:

>That's what I usually do or if I shoot a steam trip I go out
>and shoot one spot and go home. 

Hi Greg, 

That's pretty well my philosophy: I'd planned for 4 shots on Monday
(Moorabool viaduct, pacing near Wingeel, Mount Emu bridge, and the
departure from Ararat).  Anything else I got would be a bonus.

When we got to Cressy, I commented to Steve Dalton who was in the car
behind me and had also pulled out of the traffic stream "Well, that's the
end of the Mount Emu Creek shot" on the basis of the sheer bulk of traffic.
We then drove into Cressy, bought the kids chips, checked out their public
loos and then casually recommenced our journey west.  I was very (and
pleasantly) surprised to find the train still at Berrybank Loop and even
more surprised to find that we had "lost" about 100 'caders.

Chasing the 38s from Portland on the Tuesday was a *much* more pleasant
affair as it seemed only the regular (read "die-hard, sensible") 'caders
were out that far from Melbourne and I noted much co-operation and courtesy
between the drivers (even the Alaskans and Sandgropers were on their best

And even the drive home from Ararat to Melbourne was made much more
pleasant by listening to Essendon massacre Collingwood (a perfect end to a
perfect Easter).

Yuri J Sos
Melbourne VIC AUS

Reply to: steam5me@dingoblue.net.au
(replace 5 with 4)

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