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Re: [Melb] Dynamic Fairways for Trams

Yes, talk about technology fetishism!

Its nice to see tram priority receiving some attention at last, but
what exactly is wrong with the fairway system we already have? The
problem is enforcement, not the lack of elaborate flashing devices.

This is a bit like the flashy electronic signs in Swanston Walk. Why do
we need these simply to remind motorists to obey the road traffic laws?

We don't excuse people for failing to give way at a roundabout or for
going through a stop sign merely because there isn't a high tech
flashing light to tell them not to. People who overtake trams at stops
or drive in tram lanes should be in the same catagory.

Tram drivers need to assert their priority more effectively and police
need to enforce the system. If motorists don't know the rules they
shouldn't be on the road.

Between enforcing the fairway system and giving priority at the traffic
lights, that should speed trams up considerably.


> The whole system sounds rather daft to me - if a tram is 400 metres
from an
> intersection and the traffic is banked up in front of it - what are
the cars
> supposed to do - go through a red light?  If Mr Batchelor says that
as the
> tram approaches the tram stop - signs will switch off and motorists
will be
> able to follow the tram - what are they supposed to do, do a U turn,
> back, then do another U turn?
> Many of Melbourne's tram delay problems could be alleviated by giving
> priority at traffic signals instead of adopting this peculiar
> A cheaper solution would to be fit foghorns of the type used by US
> departments to the trams, and sound them when approaching
intersections to
> blast opposing traffic out of the way.
> Regards
> David Bennetts

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