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Re: [nsw] 'Driver [Guard] Humour'

"Jonathan Boles" <mousewithglasses@mail.com> wrote in message
> Here's a continuation of that 'Driver Humour' thread from a while back...
> Tonight I got a train with a weird guard on it. At stations he alternated
> between three kinds of announcements:
> 1. 'Staaaaarrrrrnnnnnnnddd clear, daaawwwwwwwrrrrrrrsssss closing' in a
> cartoony voice
> 2. 'Standa clear da doorsa nowa closing'.
> 3. 'Stand clear. (long pause) (another long pause) Doors closing'.

4. This traina nota go. This traina terminate.
5. This train terminates here... aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllllll out
aaaawwwwwwwwwwwlllll change.
6. This train is running......... on time
7. There is another train coming in 12 minutes time (over PA)

Nevertheless, most of these things are done by the guard. The guard is NOT
the driver on Cityrail. The driver drives, and the guard guards?

> Does anyone know this guard?!?!  :-)

I assume you mean a TREMENDOUS Australian accent guard-guy. Yes, he has done
sector 1 in the past.