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Re: Diesel loco motors

Mark wrote:

> Hi, group can anyone inform of the biggest diesel motor currently in use in
> loco operation.
> i reckon the old emd 645 is the go, but can anyone post otherwise
> thanks group
> mark

And Smitty replies:

    Well, EMD supplanted the 645 with the 710-series engine some years ago.  I
don't know about the displacement of the German-designed 265-series engine, but
it's the primemover that gives the SD90MAC its 6000 hp.  The 710-series only
gives the SD9043MAC 4380 hp.  What can I say?  Most of the locomotives I deal
with (Metra F40PH-2's) have V16-645E3B powerplants.  I also can't say much
concerning GE's FDL-series engines, that from lack of knowledge.  Most I can
tell you is that traditionally GE's are 4-strokers and EMD's are 2-strokers,
the new 265 series being an exception (it's also a 4-stroke).  Biggest thing I
care about is that they work properly when I pull the throttle.