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Re: SA's biggest passenger train

Martin Hutchens <martin.hutchens@adelaide.edu.au>
> It was a very inaccurate story - you would think the ABC could do better.
> The train was actually only 14 carriages long - 7 of these were GSR
> sit-up cars (mixture of Overland, IP and Ghan cars) and the other 7 cars
> were Murraylander cars (in either yellow or grey paint jobs).
> The return working left Keswick Terminal for Port Pirie at 3.28pm with
> EL56 (CFCLA) and GM44 (ASR) up front.
> As far as being the 'biggest passenger train' maybe they meant in terms
> of numbers of passengers?
> By recomissioning the Port Pirie to Adelaide line I think they actually
> meant the the track to the platform at Port Pirie was made available for
> use - nothing else.
> Martin.

The ABC is just another media outlet, don't take them
too serious, although their "friends of ..." would
argue otherwise.

The longest pass/motorail train ever in Australia (the
Ghan and IP have almost always been pass/motorail
trains) are still available for viewing on Railpage.

Just follow the link below, and click down to "Railpix
Australia picture archive", click on the "Photo
Galleries" and scroll down to Northern Territory.
BTW ....for those interested, keep an eye out for some
upcoming shots on Railpix of the change of gauge
station at Marree on the old Ghan line, taken some 20
years ago.

