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Re: QR short of cattle wagons

Without offending anyone, I simpley believe that it is a safer option to
transport livestock by rail. The trucking industry, rightly or wrongly has
gained a reputation as having an element of very undesirable drivers in its
ranks. To clarify my point however, it's wrong to taint them all with the
same brush and many truckies i've met are fantastic people and very good at
what they do.

As in regards to the RSPCA, I have to admit that transporting livestock in
any form is inhumane. Jamming 100 or so beasts into an area half the size of
a tennis court is not a very good idea. But the reality is it has to be done
somehow and in my opinion, going by rail is the best option because it less
of an impact on roads and makes a ceratian degree of economic sense, not
that that is really what should count :-)

I'm sure if anyone still wants to take me to task over this then i'm sure
you will. I'm looking foward to it...
