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Re: Prime Minister in France

Michael Kurkowski (mk@netstra.com.au) won a Nobel Prize for literature by writing:
> David Bromage <dbromage@fang.omni.com.au> said:

> >The PM is visiting Turkey (for Anzac Day), Israel and France over the next
> >couple of weeks. While in France he will visit the Alstom factory at
> >Belfort. That's where they make TGVs. Sounds promising.

> Why do I smell a federal election nearby? Actually, the political scene at 
> the moment reeks of a federal election. Of course, this can have nothing to 
> do with the Speedrail showcase making another appearance, can it?

Don't hold your breath just yet. There is another stinker of a Budget
coming up next month and the GST from July. Stay tuned for a 2001 Budget
which really reeks of pork, then an election not long after.
