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Re: [NSW] New CityRail signage

Eric Cartman said in message <8c9u5v$l0b$1@nnrp1.deja.com>, I therefore 

>Just think about how many lines/stations now have outdated signs with
>the Cumberland line and the new Bankstown circle colours.......
>I find it strange how they make such a big thing about the colours on
>the timetables etc but on the signage they want to Melbournize it.

Aww, my heart bleeds. Anyone knows a good railway system should have proper 
passenger information, by means of a PIDS or VDU or anything like that. In 
Melbourne we have gone to the extent of installing an Information button in 
our help points. Press the green button, and out pops the voice of the Met 
Man telling you the next three trains on that platform.

Anyone in Melbourne can get around far easier than on Cityrail, and we 
don't rely on antiquated colour coding.

Oh and I did forget to mention, our destos work (: "Aah, no need to crawl 
to the guard asking where this train is going. But, the green button 
already told me where this train is going, all this information, I can't 

>I predict that all of the signage will almost be in the "colourless"
>format by the year 2010 then some brain specialist will discover that
>some people prefer the colour coding.

Wouldn't take a brain specialist to realise that *some* people prefer 
colour coding. It takes the average Melburnian, or anyone who's travelled 
on Melbourne's rail system to realise that PIDS, VDUs, and other 
interactive forms of passenger information are more beneficial to the 
efficient running of a system. 



Michael Kurkowski. / Email: mailto:mk@netstra.com.au
Rail Enthusiast.  / Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
Train Chaser.    / Telephone: 0416-044-124
HO Modeller.    / ICQ: T333 / 1459118 - Yahoo Pager: VR_T333

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