VFT notional timetable

This is the notional timetable (circa 1990) for the coastal route as proposed by the VFT consortium. Had approval been given, this timetable would have been in operation in the late 1990s.

Melbourne - Canberra - Sydney
Melbourne                 5.35 6.00      6.05 6.10 6.35  7.00        7.05
Dandenong                 5.58  -        6.28 6.33  -     -          7.28
Warragul                   -    -         -   6.49  -     -           -
Moe                        -    -         -    -    -     -           -
Traralgon                  -    -         -   7.05  -     -           -
Maffra                     -    -         -   7.18  -     -           -
Bairnsdale                 -    -         -   7.31 7.37   -           -
Orbost                     -    -         -         -     -           -
Bombala                    -    -         -         -     -           -
Cooma                6.51  -    -         -         -     -           -
Canberra   arr       7.14 7.44  -        8.14      8.44   -          9.14
           dep  6.50 7.16 7.46  -   7.50 8.16      8.46   -    8.50  9.16
Goulburn        7.10  -    -    -   8.10  -         -     -    9.10   -
Bowral          7.29  -    -    -   8.29  -         -     -    9.29   -
Campbelltown    7.44  -    -    -   8.44 9.00       -     -    9.44   -
Sydney Airport  8.03  -    -    -   9.03  -         -     -   10.03 10.14
Sydney Central  8.08 8.15 8.45 9.00 9.08 9.20      9.45 10.00 10.08 10.19
Melbourne       7.10  7.30        8.05 8.10  8.35        9.05  9.10  9.30
Dandenong       7.33   -           -   8.33   -          9.28  9.23   -
Warragul        7.49   -           -   8.39   -           -    9.49   -
Moe             8.00   -           -    -     -           -   10.00   -
Traralgon       8.08  8.15         -   9.05   -           -   10.08 10.15
Maffra                 -           -   9.18   -           -           -
Bairnsdale             -           -   9.31  9.37         -           -
Orbost                 -           -          -           -           -
Bombala                -           -          -           -           -
Cooma                 9.21         -          -           -         11.21
Canberra   arr        9.44       10.14      10.44       11.14       11.44
           dep        9.46  9.50 10.16      10.46 10.50 11.16       11.46
Goulburn               -   10.10   -          -   11.10   -           -
Bowral                 -   10.29   -          -   11.29   -           -
Campbelltown           -   10.44 11.00        -   11.44   -           -
Sydney Airport         -   11.03   -          -   12.03 12.14         -
Sydney Central       10.45 11.08 11.20      11.45 12.08 12.19       12.45
Melbourne             10.05 10.10 10.35             11.05 11.10 11.30 12.00
Dandenong               -   10.33   -               11.28 11.33   -     -
Warragul                -   10.49   -                 -   11.49   -     -
Moe                     -     -     -                 -   12.00   -     -
Traralgon               -   11.05   -                 -   12.08 12.15   -
Maffra                  -   11.18   -                 -           -     -
Bairnsdale              -   11.31 11.37       11.43   -           -     -
Orbost                  -           -         12.00   -           -     -
Bombala                 -           -         12.26   -           -     -
Cooma                   -           -         12.42   -         13.21   -
Canberra   arr        12.14       12.44       13.05 13.14       13.44   -
           dep  11.50 12.16       12.46 12.50       13.16       13.46   -
Goulburn        12.10   -           -   13.10         -           -     -
Bowral          12.29   -           -   13.29         -           -     -
Campbelltown    12.44 13.00         -   13.44         -           -     -
Sydney Airport  13.03   -           -   14.03       14.14         -     -
Sydney Central  13.08 13.20       13.45 14.08       14.19       14.45 15.00
Melbourne             12.05 12.10 12.35       13.05 13.10 13.30
Dandenong             12.28 12.33   -         13.28 13.33   -
Warragul                -   12.49   -           -   13.49   -
Moe                     -     -     -           -   14.00   -
Traralgon               -   13.05   -           -   14.08 13.15
Maffra                  -   13.18   -           -           -
Bairnsdale              -   13.31 13.37         -           -
Orbost                  -           -           -           -
Bombala                 -           -           -           -
Cooma                   -           -           -         15.21
Canberra   arr        14.14       14.44       15.14       15.44
           dep  13.50 14.16       14.46 14.50 15.16       15.46 15.50
Goulburn        14.10   -           -   15.10   -           -   16.10
Bowral          14.29   -           -   15.29   -           -   16.29
Campbelltown    14.44 15.00         -   15.44   -           -   16.44
Sydney Airport  15.03   -           -   16.03 16.14         -   17.03
Sydney Central  15.08 15.20       15.45 16.08 16.19       16.45 17.08
Melbourne       14.05 14.10 14.35       15.05 15.10 15.30       16.05 16.10
Dandenong       14.28 14.33   -         15.28 15.33   -         16.28 16.33
Warragul          -   14.49   -           -   15.49   -           -   16.49
Moe               -     -     -           -   16.00   -           -     -
Traralgon         -   15.05   -           -   16.08 16.15         -   17.05
Maffra            -   15.18   -           -           -           -   17.18
Bairnsdale        -   15.31 15.37         -           -           -   17.31
Orbost            -           -           -           -           -
Bombala           -           -           -           -           -
Cooma             -           -           -         17.21         -
Canberra   arr  16.14       16.44       17.14       17.44       18.14
           dep  16.16       16.46 16.50 17.16       17.46 17.50 18.16
Goulburn          -           -   17.10   -           -   18.10   -
Bowral            -           -   17.29   -           -   18.29   -
Campbelltown    17.00         -   17.44   -           -   18.44 19.00
Sydney Airport    -           -   18.03 18.14         -   19.03   -
Sydney Central  17.20       17.45 18.08 18.19       18.45 19.08 19.20
Melbourne       16.35 17.00       17.05 17.10 17.30 18.00       18.05 18.10
Dandenong         -     -           -   17.33   -     -         18.28 18.33
Warragul          -     -           -   17.49   -     -           -   18.49
Moe               -     -           -   18.00   -     -           -     -
Traralgon         -     -           -   18.08 18.15   -           -   19.05
Maffra            -     -           -           -     -           -   19.18
Bairnsdale      17.37   -           -           -     -           -   19.31
Orbost            -     -           -           -     -           -
Bombala           -     -           -           -     -           -
Cooma             -     -           -         19.21   -           -
Canberra   arr  18.44   -         19.14       19.44   -         20.14
           dep  18.46   -   18.50 19.16       19.46   -   19.50 20.16
Goulburn          -     -   19.10   -           -     -   20.10   -
Bowral            -     -   19.29   -           -     -   20.29   -
Campbelltown      -     -   19.44   -           -     -   20.44 21.00
Sydney Airport    -     -   20.03 20.14         -     -   20.03   -
Sydney Central  19.45 20.00 20.08 20.19       20.45 21.00 21.08 21.20
Melbourne       18.35             19.05 19.10 19.30       20.05 20.10 20.35
Dandenong         -                 -   19.33   -         20.28 20.38   -
Warragul          -                 -   19.49   -           -   20.49   -
Moe               -                 -   20.00   -           -     -     -
Traralgon         -                 -   20.08 20.15         -   21.05   -
Maffra            -                 -           -           -   21.18   -
Bairnsdale      19.37       19.43   -           -           -   21.31 21.37
Orbost            -         20.00   -           -           -           -
Bombala           -         20.26   -           -           -           -
Cooma             -         20.42   -         21.21         -           -
Canberra   arr  20.44       21.05 21.14       21.44       22.14       22.44
           dep  20.46 20.50       21.16       21.46 21.50 22.16       22.46
Goulburn          -   21.10         -           -   22.10   -           -
Bowral            -   21.29         -           -   22.29   -           -
Campbelltown      -   21.44         -           -   22.44 23.00         -
Sydney Airport    -   22.03       22.14         -   23.03   -           -
Sydney Central  21.45 22.08       22.19       22.45 23.08 23.20       23.45
Melbourne             21.05 21.10 22.05 23.10
Dandenong             21.28 21.33 22.28 23.33
Warragul                -   21.39   -   23.39
Moe                     -   22.00   -     -
Traralgon               -   22.08   -    0.05
Maffra                  -           -    0.18
Bairnsdale              -           -    0.31
Orbost                  -           -   
Bombala                 -           -
Cooma                   -         23.56
Canberra   arr        23.14        0.19
           dep  22.50 23.1
Goulburn        23.10   -
Bowral          23.29   -
Campbelltown    23.44   -
Sydney Airport   0.03  0.14
Sydney Central   0.08  0.19

Sydney - Canberra - Melbourne
Sydney Central                 5.40 6.00 6.10      6.40 6.45 7.00  7.10
Sydney Airport                  -    -    -        6.47 6.52  -     -
Campbelltown                   6.00  -    -         -   7.11  -     -
Bowral                          -    -    -         -   7.26  -     -
Goulburn                        -    -    -         -   7.45  -     -
Canberra   arr                 6.44  -   7.09      7.43 8.03  -    8.09
           dep       6.16      6.46  -   7.11      7.45       -    8.11
Cooma                 -         -    -    -         -         -    8.36
Bombala               -         -    -    -         -         -     -
Orbost                -         -    -    -         -         -     -
Bairnsdale      6.24  -         -    -   8.20 8.24  -         -     -
Maffra          6.39  -         -    -    -   8.39  -         -     -
Traralgon       6.52  -   7.47  -    -    -   8.52  -         -    9.42  9.47
Moe              -    -   7.57  -    -    -    -    -         -     -    9.57
Warragul        7.08  -   8.08  -    -    -   9.08  -         -     -   10.08
Dandenong       7.24  -   8.24 8.34  -    -   9.24 9.33       -     -   10.24
Melbourne       7.45 8.20 8.45 8.55 9.00 9.20 9.45 9.54     10.00 10.25 10.45
Sydney Central   7.40       7.45  8.10        8.40  8.45  9.10        9.40
Sydney Airport    -         7.52   -          8.47  8.52   -           -
Campbelltown     8.00       8.11   -           -    9.11   -         10.00
Bowral            -         8.26   -           -    9.26   -           -
Goulburn          -         8.45   -           -    9.45   -           -
Canberra   arr   8.44       9.03  9.09        9.43 10.03 10.09       10.44
           dep   8.46  8.57       9.11        9.45       10.11       10.46
Cooma             -    9.17        -           -         10.36         -
Bombala           -    9.33        -           -           -           -
Orbost            -    9.59        -           -           -           -
Bairnsdale        -   10.14      10.20 10.24   -           -           -
Maffra            -                -   10.39   -           -           -
Traralgon         -                -   10.52   -         11.42 11.47   -
Moe               -                -     -     -           -   11.57   -
Warragul          -                -   11.08   -           -   12.08   -
Dandenong       10.34              -   11.24 11.33         -   12.24 12.34
Melbourne       10.55            11.20 11.45 11.54       12.25 12.45 12.55
Sydney Central   9.45 10.10       10.40 10.45 11.10       11.40 11.45 12.00
Sydney Airport   9.52   -         10.47 10.52   -           -   11.52   - 
Campbelltown    10.11   -           -   11.11   -         12.00 12.11   -
Bowral          10.26   -           -   11.26   -           -   12.26   -
Goulburn        10.45   -           -   11.45   -           -   12.45   -
Canberra   arr  11.03 11.09       11.43 12.03 12.09       12.44 13.03   -
           dep        11.11       11.45       12.11       12.46         -
Cooma                   -           -         12.36         -           -
Bombala                 -           -           -           -           -
Orbost                  -           -           -           -           -
Bairnsdale            12.20 12.24   -           -           -           -
Maffra                  -   12.39   -           -           -           -
Traralgon               -   12.52   -         13.42 13.47   -           -
Moe                     -     -     -           -   13.57   -           -
Warragul                -   13.08   -           -   14.08   -           -
Dandenong               -   13.24   -           -   14.24 14.34         -
Melbourne             13.20 13.45 13.54       14.25 14.45 14.55       15.00
Sydney Central  12.10       12.40 12.45 13.10       13.40 13.45 14.10
Sydney Airport    -         12.47 12.52   -           -   13.52   -
Campbelltown      -           -   13.11   -         14.00 14.11   -
Bowral            -           -   13.26   -           -   14.26   -
Goulburn          -           -   13.45   -           -   14.45   -
Canberra   arr  13.09       13.43 14.03 14.09       14.44 15.03 15.09
           dep  13.11       13.45       14.11       14.46       15.11
Cooma             -           -         14.36         -           -
Bombala           -           -           -           -           -
Orbost            -           -           -           -           -
Bairnsdale      14.20 14.24   -           -           -         16.20 16.24
Maffra            -   14.39   -           -           -           -   16.39
Traralgon         -   14.52   -         15.42 15.47   -           -   16.52
Moe               -     -     -           -   15.57   -           -     -
Warragul          -   15.08   -           -   16.08   -           -   17.08
Dandenong         -   15.24   -           -   16.24 16.34         -   17.24
Melbourne       15.20 15.45 15.54       16.25 16.45 16.55       17.20 17.45
Sydney Central  14.40 14.45 15.10       15.40       15.45 16.10       16.40
Sydney Airport  14.47 14.52   -           -         15.52   -         16.47
Campbelltown      -   15.11   -         16.00       16.11   -           -
Bowral            -   15.26   -           -         16.26   -           -
Goulburn          -   15.45   -           -         16.45   -           -
Canberra   arr  15.43 16.03 16.09       16.44       17.03 17.09       17.43
           dep  15.45       16.11       16.46 16.57       17.11       17.45
Cooma             -         16.36         -   17.17         -           -
Bombala           -           -           -   17.33         -           -
Orbost            -           -           -   17.59         -           -
Bairnsdale        -           -           -   18.14       18.20 18.24   -
Maffra            -           -           -                 -   18.39   -
Traralgon         -         17.42 17.47   -                 -   18.52   -
Moe               -           -   17.57   -                 -     -     -
Warragul          -           -   18.08   -                 -   19.08   -
Dandenong         -           -   18.24 18.34               -   19.24   -
Melbourne       17.54       18.25 18.45 18.55             19.20 19.45 19.54
Sydney Central  16.45 17.00 17.10       17.40 17.45 18.00 18.10       18.40
Sydney Airport  16.52   -     -           -   17.52   -     -         18.47
Campbelltown    17.11   -     -         18.00 18.11   -     -           -
Bowral          17.26   -     -           -   18.26   -     -           -
Goulburn        17.45   -     -           -   18.45   -     -           -
Canberra   arr  18.03   -   18.09       18.44 19.03   -   19.09       19.43
           dep          -   18.11       18.46         -   19.11       19.45
Cooma                   -   18.36         -           -     -           -
Bombala                 -     -           -           -     -           -
Orbost                  -     -           -           -     -           -
Bairnsdale              -     -           -           -   20.20 20.24   -
Maffra                  -     -           -           -     -   20.39   -
Traralgon               -   19.42 19.47   -           -     -   20.52   -
Moe                     -     -   19.57   -           -     -     -     -
Warragul                -     -   20.08   -           -     -   21.08   -
Dandenong               -     -   20.24 20.34         -     -   21.24 21.33
Melbourne             20.00 20.25 20.45 20.55       21.00 21.20 21.45 21.54
Sydney Central  18.45 19.10       19.40 19.45 20.10       20.40 20.45 21.10
Sydney Airport  18.52   -           -   19.52   -         20.47 20.52   -
Campbelltown    19.11   -         20.00 20.11   -           -   21.11   -
Bowral          19.26   -           -   20.26   -           -   21.26   -
Goulburn        19.45   -           -   20.45   -           -   21.45   -
Canberra   arr  20.03 20.09       20.44 21.03 21.09       21.43 22.03 22.09
           dep        20.11       20.46       21.11       21.45       22.11
Cooma                 20.36         -           -           -         22.36
Bombala                 -           -           -           -           -
Orbost                  -           -           -           -           -
Bairnsdale              -           -         22.20 22.24   -           -
Maffra                  -           -           -   22.39   -           -
Traralgon             21.42 21.47   -           -   22.52   -         23.42
Moe                     -   21.57   -           -     -     -           -
Warragul                -   22.08   -           -   23.08   -           -
Dandenong               -   22.24 20.34         -   23.24 23.33         -
Melbourne             22.25 22.45 20.55       23.20 23.45 23.54        0.25
Sydney Central  21.45 22.10 23.15
Sydney Airport  21.52   -     -
Campbelltown    22.11   -   23.37
Bowral          22.26   -   23.52
Goulburn        22.45   -    0.11
Canberra   arr  23.03 23.09  0.29
           dep        23.11
Cooma                 23.36

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