Re: 8124 (NRC livery) Heading to Melbourne.

Rita and Kevin Lawrence (KREL4203@NETCONNECT.COM.AU)
Tue, 11 May 1999 19:47:15 +1000

AIUI it is heading to Spotswood (Goninans) for DOO mods. Will probably head
down from Melb LPC tommorriow morning with the regular LE transfer (sometime
between 1000 and 1300).



At 17:11 11/05/99 +1000, you wrote:
>What time would you expect YN2 to get to Tott B Box??
>Thanks and regards,
>"Gheringhap Loop" <> on 11/05/99 16:56:35
>Please respond to
>To: "Ausloco" <>, "AAB Sightings"
> <>
>cc: (bcc: Peter Mason/TI/National Australia Bank/AU)
>Subject: 8124 (NRC livery) Heading to Melbourne.
>Tue 11/5/99.
>YN2/9724 was through Gheringhap at 1618 with NR93+8124 (In NRC livery) and
>32 wagons. Heading to Melbourne.
>Regards, Graham Elliott.
>Gheringhap Loop is at the 82/83 Km post (87/88Km on standard gauge) South
>West of Melbourne.
>ICQ 30728800

Krel (Kevin Lawrence)

"When I die I want go to quietly, in my sleep, just like my grandfather. Not
screaming and scared shitless like his passengers."