Re: WL-1 (5SA8) Indian Pacific

Rita and Kevin Lawrence (KREL4203@NETCONNECT.COM.AU)
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 22:31:40 +1100

>> The Indian Pacific is currently standing at Broken Hill and has been for a
>> considerable time. Reports are that the NR has all the inspection doors
>> open and has probably expired. A number of passengers were seen getting
>> into busses a while ago, but it is unclear as to whgat GSR's intentions
>> are at this stage.
>I assume that this is the westbound IP?
>Bring back the ever faithful CLP's......... <sigh>
Ho, ho, ho. Surely you jest ;-)

BTW the IP is stopped due to a large expanse of water being where the track
used to be. 5SP5 was the right side od Coota when this happened and diverted
via Melbourne (Tottenham loop, actually). 6SP6 will run the same way
tommorrow (about 1130 ex Melb).


- Kevin Lawrence (Krel)
"When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep just like my grandfather.
Not screaming and scared shitless like his passengers."