Re: X+BL on BG Steel

Rita and Kevin Lawrence (KREL4203@NETCONNECT.COM.AU)
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:13:41 +1000

BL 28 and BL32 are in service on NRC Westernport service. BL 26 was returned
to SG for hauling to Adelaide for repairs to power assemblies. I understand
that VLF will provide 'service station' work only, all repairs and servicing
will be done by MPC Adelaide. Incidentally 8118 is still in Dimboola for
crew training. Dimmy yard early on Thursday contained 8118, a couple of G's,
GM42 and a CLP (failed) and the resident RT.



At 10:24 25/06/98 +1000, you wrote:
>Just sighted X+BL on this mornings Long Island Steel train on the
>viaduct at 10am. The BL is still in AN colours.
>Brian Evans
>Mobile: 0414 374 098
- Kevin Lawrence (Krel)

"She may feel but she can't think. Pauline Hansons One Nation is not my nation."