Re: Patricks and other stuff.

Rita and Kevin Lawrence (KREL4203@NETCONNECT.COM.AU)
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 23:50:42 +1100

At 17:58 11/11/98 +1100, you wrote:
>A 85 needs a new nose section, after hitting a grain truck (road type)
>at 60km/h at Speed about 2 weeks ago.
Must be the season for it. NR 78 arrived in Melbourne this afternoon on YN2
with damaged front a/c struck a truck (road) of sand at Keith, SA. Heading
to Goninans for repairs - probably go tommorrow (Thursday).


- Kevin Lawrence (Krel)

"When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep, just like my grandfather.
Not screaming and scared shitless like his passengers."