Re: No Overdue tonite

Rita and Kevin Lawrence (KREL4203@NETCONNECT.COM.AU)
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 22:10:18 +1100

At 22:27 26/10/98 +1100, you wrote:
>no Overdue tonite (26/10) acc. powervan failure. Ironically, I reckon
>the 2 busses required will nearly get to Adelaide before the train is
>scheduled to!
Craig you must finish your sentences! It should read - "Ironically, I reckon
the 2 busses required will nearly get to Adelaide before the train is
scheduled to get to Dimboola!!!". Shouldn't it? ;-)



- Kevin Lawrence (Krel)

"When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep, just like my grandfather.
Not screaming and scared shitless like his passengers."