Re: 8102 at Goninan Plant

Rita and Kevin Lawrence (KREL4203@NETCONNECT.COM.AU)
Sun, 4 Oct 1998 20:52:36 +1000

At 14:16 04/10/98 +1000, you wrote:
>8102 is currently standing outside the Goninan maintenance facility at
>Spotswood. It is located at the Newport end. Seems like Goninan must be
>maintaining NR EMD units in addition to the Dash 9s.

Goninans has a contract to modify 81s for NR to make them suitable for DOO
shunt work. 8102 is the prototype.



>Dr Stuart Turnbull
>RAILSCAPE Photographer
>Phone 03 9376 5394
- Kevin Lawrence (Krel)

"All things are possible except skiing through a revolving door."