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Re: Victorian election

: Nothing has been bentioned here of the lead up to the Victorian election
: last weekend, or the unexpected result. What are the transport policies
: of the major parties? 

For policies visit their webpages:

: More importantly, which electorates will have independent members who
: are likely to hold the balance of power? Naturally they would be offered
: all sorts of things for their electorates to vote with whatever party
: eventually forms a government. The seat of East Gippsland is one which
: has been mentioned as being critical.

: Please, let's try not to get into a political slanging match. :)

For information about the election visit news pages:

And results:

It will be weeks before the full result is know, after a special election
in the seat of Frankston East (currenly Lib, but tipped to go to Labour,
about 3% swing required) after the death of the currnet sitting member
(was lib now indep.).

Chris Gordon