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Re: Naming QR locos

In article <2jtB3.9731$1E2.65472@ozemail.com.au>, "John Boxall"
<box@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

> Is the practice of naming locomotives common in Queensland ? Today #1770
> rolled past in a loco  train with "James Cook" on the side. Very nice.
> ________________________________
> John Boxall - box@ozemail.com.au

Naming locos is common across the country.  Even down in Taswegia,
there are locos with names.  Z1 and Z2 were named Bellbay Pioneer and
?Northen Progress (the boffins will correct me).  A couple of the Y
class bore names, and ZR, aka 2101 is the Audrey Mills, named after
that classy lawyer on the board of Tasrail.

None of the QR/Tranzrail/DQ/DC class have names officially.