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Re: [Newsgroup] some measures of courtesy

David Johnson wrote:

> *snip*
> Why bother?  For posts that can be mistaken, yes.  However, how many 8 car C sets run
> in Brisbane or Melbourne?
> --
> David Johnson
> trainman@ozemail.com.au
> http://www.ozemail.com.au/~trainman/

probably more useful would be for everybody to change the topic when it runs askew..

Some people do the "topic [was:**]" or "subject [off topic]"  which is great, but most of
the time, the first 3 levels of a thread relate to the topic specified, and the next 10
are of something completely different...

and as for 8 car sets in Melb.. haven't seen one of them since taits stopped running ..


Tony Gatt.


  Never be afraid to try something new.
  Remember, amateurs built the ark.
  Professionals built the Titanic.

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