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Re: Guards to Drive During Olympics?

Russell Norton <russelln@primus.com.au> wrote in message
> <snip>
> >Then there are a lot of other side issues, such as National Rail drivers
> who
> >are coming back to to Cityrail. Then *resigned* from their jobs with
> >CityRail so they do not deserve to re-gain their old seniority levels,
> >They should start right back at the bottom with all the other new
> <snip>
> Craig, that is total crap.
> Do you honestly believe  that an NRC driver coming back to Cityrail, who
> previously devoted 15 or 20 years service driving suburbans (or even
> longer), should be considered junior to a trainee ex-guard, or even to
> yourself ???
> I totally agree that they should not jump the lists for depot transfers,
> in all other aspects they already have the runs on the board.
> They are not "new recruits" as you say, they are fully qualified drivers
> with many years (not weeks) experience. Certainly a lot safer for the
> general public than some of the current boy drivers'. (A recent Hornsby
> incident springs to mind).
> The package being offered by Cityrail to these drivers' (i.e. starting
> on 1st year drivers' money) is a total insult to the years of service
> drivers' dedicated to State Rail, and gives no incentive for drivers' to
> transfer back.
> BTW, most of these drivers' never actually "resigned" from State Rail,
> "transferred" to National Rail, there is a difference.
> Regards,
> Russ...

Your wasting your time, This "I'm not going to let them have something more
than me" mentality is rife in the loco grades Australia wide.

Stuff seniority, if someone tried it on for the equal opportunity these
"BOY" Drivers (who think their shit doesn't stink), would loose their sacred
seniority because its illegal. Let them have it, most of them were crapping
in their napkins when I joined the job, what is lacked in seniority is far
outweighed in experience anyway.

Seniority is dead, if you don't believe it take it to the Commision and see
how far you get!!!!

As for Drivers Transfering to NRC this is actually incorrect, you had to
resign to get there, the funny thing is, in the case of Victorian, NSW and
AN Drivers it was a case of resigning from the same employer that you took
up employment with the next day. ie: a V/Line Driver who resigned to go to
NRC resigned from Victorian Government employment to take up employment with
the Victorian Government, as the Vic Govt was a shareholder in NRC as was
NSW and the Commonwealth.
