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Hillside Timetable Backflip

Correspondents may remember discussion on the quirks of the proposed
'Common' Weekend Timetable which isn't.

Well the 'government', (with influential MP's in marginal electorates) have
in the last week issued instructions that the Belgrave/Lilydale lines are to
receive the same 20 minute service as on the up side of Ringwood.  So
instead of every service alternating between BEG/LIL, there will be a
connecting shuttle.

Current headways:
Weekday 15/30
Saturday 20/40
Sunday 30/30

Was proposed:
Weekday 15/30
Saturday 20/40
Sunday 30/30 then 20/40

Now proposed:
Weekday 15/30
Saturday 20/20
Sunday 30/30 then 20/20

Hmm... now there will be a better service beyond Ringwood on the Weekend
than during the Week!

Mr B.
Certified Gunzel.
(Wasting too much time at http://www.bigfoot.com/~notagunzel)