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Seymour Scene

In connection with our Annual Easter Weekend at Yarrawonga, 
J 515 will run as follows.

Friday 2/4/99
Seymour		dep	13:20
Benalla		arr	15:00	take water
		dep	15:20
Yarrawonga	arr	16:30

Will convey offering passengers. 
Fares are - 	Seymour to Benalla			$10.00
		Benalla to Yarrawonga			$10.00
		Through trip Seymour to Yarrawonga	$16.00
		Contact Bob Whitehead 03 5794 2102 to make booking

PLEASE NOTE - as the train is not returning to Seymour until
Monday 5/4/99 you will need to arrange your own return transport.
We cannot provide weekend accomodation.

Saturday 3/4/99

Run shuttle trips between Tungamah, Yarrawonga and Sloane NSW.
12:00 noon to 16:00
Rennie Rambler will run at 18:00 ex Yarrawonga (Booked Out)

Sunday 4/4/99

Run shuttle trips as above from 09:00 to 16:00

Monday 5/4/99

Yarrawonga	dep	08:30

2 shuttle trips Devenish/St James en route

Benalla		arr	13:45 take water
		dep	15:10
Seymour		arr	16:50

Peter Williams