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Sale of Westrail (long attachment) - WARAILFRT 050299.doc (0/1)

The Word attachment to this message is long.  I have been verbally
assured by the actual author that it is in the public domain.  The
putative author as shown in the document should not be contacted.  The
statements contained herein are not necessarily the opinions of either
the putative author, nor of the poster, but are posted to encourage
public debate.  The document is addressed to the Shire of Dowerin, but
I understand copies have been sent to other country shires in Western
Douglas CLIFFORD                   +61 8 9390 7006 h
PO Box 119                         +61 8 9324 6444 w
Kelmscott                          +61 8 9324 6400 fx
Western Australia         <cliffd@opera.iinet.net.au>