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Re: C Class back in service again !........well...

On Sun, 7 Mar 1999 23:47:59 +1100, "Rod" <berlina@bigpond.com> wrote:
505 will be going west in it has not already gone to swap traction
motors with an 81 as the tm in 505 are in better condition than the
particular 81,s
505 508 are still may end up as melb shunters
rumor has it that nr has still not wrote off any of the c's as not
going to run again
ask any nr crew and the will tell you that the 81's handed over to nr
have come off the coal road and are in very poor condition after using
the others that nr had ,  had reconditioned by componet  exchanges
>Seymour Railway Heritage Centre wrote in message
>>Fitter Foreman Ian Kemp informed me that At 7:00 am today C 505 was
>>sitting behind the carriage shed at Dynon, intact!
>>Peter Williams.
>I am definitely not going to argue with ether one or the other Fitter Kemp
>I was relying on the others postings that 505 had gone west, in fact one of
>the posters is rarely wrong!
>but my informer may also have been talking about those Engines already in
>SA. Pretty hard to tie down everything when you are moving apart at 180 kph,
>with perhaps only 5 mins airtime max.
>Rod ;o{